Monday, July 21, 2014

Take a second look at that "Bucket List"!

We've all heard the saying "Time flies when you're having fun"; however, I've come to the conclusion at this stage of my life fun has very little to do with it!! It seems like I'm always wondering just where the days have gone, often making statements like "I can't believe it's already the end of July?!" Time just keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking into the future...(and yes, I do know it's supposed to be slippin') dang, that darn song is going to stick in my head all night!! Just where am I going with this? My point is, life is too short to keep putting things off for another day!! 

Eight years ago I was fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to travel to Italy. I had thought about such a trip for most of my life. My maternal Grandmother was my inspiration, she was born in Italy and immigrated to the United States with her family as a child. During my childhood, I proudly claimed this ancestry as my own and if asked I would declare boldly "I'm Italian!" My Grandmother passed away far too early in my life but she has continued to influence me in more ways than I could ever explain! But I digress...needless to say the trip was even more incredible than I ever imagined. One might say it was the trip of a lifetime. That is if they didn't expect to ever return, I on the other hand knew that I would go again!! That first year seemed to go by swiftly, leaving me with thoughts that next year will work out for sure. Next year came & went, then another and another and get the picture! I eventually turned around and it was 2014... eight years had passed, how could that be?  Well, I've also heard the saying "There's no time like the present!" Sooo... Venezia, Italia sto arrivando!  (Venice, Italy here I come!) With my reservations confirmed and my plane ticket in hand...time has come to return! 

Of course, I do like instant gratification but Fall will be here before I know it! I will undoubtedly be sharing more as time keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking into the future... I'm so excited, I just can't hide it!   
Arrivederci, for now!!

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